Monday, July 18, 2011

Why teach?

I feel that education is the most important thing that we can provide one another. However, having the opportunity to educate children is the icing on the cake. I remember the positive role models that nourished my enthusiasm for learning during my early years of school. As I grew older, I realized that I wanted to be that teacher who sensed a child's eagerness to learn, relished the stress of constant questions from inquisitive young minds, and cherished the pride that evolved when the light bulb went on. Teaching also provides me with the opportunity to use my creativity to help others learn and succeed in non-conventional ways. Perhaps, most importantly, I love children and realize that by being their teacher, I can also be their "dream weaver" by modeling hard work, opening their minds to different passions, and showing them their true potential to succeed. Lucky to turn my passion into my career, I am rewarded everyday.

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