I am a huge fan of using anchor charts in my classroom. I let the kids help me decide what information to include, then hang them up where they are easily seen. I remind them to refer to them during tests. I think of them as a resource and love when I look around and see the kids referring to them. To me, it's their way of telling me they care and want to do well. After a while of referring to the charts, the information is just committed to memory! I don't know what I am going to do in January when we move into our brand new buildings (!!!!!!) and we aren't allowed to hang things on the walls! I'll come up with a solution I'm sure! Here are a couple examples of some of the anchor charts currently hanging in the room:
Using models such as base-ten blocks and number lines to display decimals |
Rounding Decimals: CCSS 5.NBT.4 |
Additionally, I like to really make sure my students know what our goals and objectives are each day. I want them to be able to say, "Yeah, I did learn that today!" Each time we learn a new concept, I let them know how it is connected not only to the Ohio Academic Standards, but also to Common Core. This way, we are all working toward a common goal. I never want them to be in the dark about what they are learning and what they should be able to understand after a lesson. Here are two examples of our "We Can" posters:
We Can do so much! |
I am really thankful to have so much wall space in our room!
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